Holding the Sun

Holding the Sun

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A late night verse.

After lying awake for what had seemed an eternity, I finally got up to start writing, not knowing what to write about.

I wrote a poem.

in the sleepless night
one simply lies awake
alas they lose this fight
for of this time, something to make

to sit without a sound
to lie without moving
by silence one is bound
but the mind is ever running

the silence s deafening
lost in this dark room
these thoughts shattering
but for the comfort of a womb

though the black is at a pitch
hardly the darkest hour
and for a friend one would wish
meanwhile the rain doth pour

through a country window
to see only the dark
lonely like the widow
to remember that park

to sit without a sound
to lie without moving
by silence two were bound
but their minds ever running


  1. This is well written. I'm not sure how I feel about it.

    Is that picture actually of your hand? It looks remarkably like it.

  2. Thank you. I had a lot on my mind.

  3. No, that is not my hand. :)
    This poem actually has a fair bit of hidden meaning.

  4. Mmm, as did I.

    Good. I was highly suspicious. :)
    Hidden meanings. One of my things.
    Analogized hidden meaning? First letter hidden meaning? Underlying wording hidden meaning? Am I getting remotely close here?? ;)

    1. Like if given the context, this poem would mean a lot more. That kind. :)

    2. Yeah. I don't think I like it now.

    3. It most likely doesn't mean what you think it means. Don't freak out on me.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I don't like questionable context for lots of reasons. Sorry bout that. (I miss you)
    (Happy New Year)
