Holding the Sun

Holding the Sun

Thursday, June 13, 2013


What kind of person are you? Are you a kind, gentle, caring and loving person? 

I ask you because I finally see what I am, and I wonder if you know what you are. My eyes have been opened, and so should yours. 

I don't have many dreams anymore. And even when I do, I don't remember much of it when I awake. Still, there is the occasional dream. Although, I don't usually read into my dreams - key, usually - I've had one that I am reading into. Nothing spiritual or anything like that, just taking it for face value, with it's lessons. 

Now, what the actual dream was about is no matter.

Now I suppose it's due to the fact of losing so many *friends* who I thought truly cared, but it seems as though I've traded them for apathy. This doesn't only affect my fake friends, it affects even those closest to me. 
You see, we all end up with those friends who just get you - and you them - but sometimes we have those select one or two that will tell you the cold hard truth - no matter what the cost. Hold on tight to these friends! But also, be honest to them in return. It was through talking to a close friend of mine that got me thinking about what kind of person I am...and then I had this dream. 
It made me realize that, yes, I am a caring, eager to listen, shoulder to cry on, loving friend, but it doesn't always stay. I grow ever closer to certain people, but then it's like I fade away...now this has caused other people to run, but a few have refused to go anywhere. Now, I never go anywhere, away from my friends. I stick by them! It's just that sometimes I need to take a temporary step back, and that's when most run away from me. 
It's a hard thing to deal with - losing someone you though would stay - but as unfortunate as it may be, I've become numbed to the pain. It's not a good thing, though. Because of my numbness, it seems as though I don't care about those I love. Shile it is not such as the afore mentioned, it's hard to avoid. It makes me the type of person that others purposely fade away from. 

I charge myself with the attempt to overcome this, to an extent. Put aside certain trust issues, from all of those who've faded, and be a long-term caring friend. I charge you with the same, whatever your case may be...take hold of it, for the betterment of you and those around you. 

And through Christ, we are able to do this. For in II Corinthians 5:17, it says - "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." 

So, I won't dwell on me, but I'd like you to ask yourself - what kind of person are you? Talk to your closest friend, ask them how they see you, deep down. Ask them for the truth. I believe we need to ask our friends these types of questions, for then we are able to have a constant goal of betterment of ourselves. 

Look inwards - who are you inside?

Don't be that fake friend. Be the honest one